Surprisingly simple strategies I used to transform myself from a guy women just looked through, to a guy women couldn’t get enough of.
Includes word-for-word templates, hilarious case studies and practical worksheets for you to try.
Are You an Introvert Or an Extrovert?
Hands up everyone who knows what the difference between and Introvert and an Extrovert is. Hands up everyone who wants to learn to become more extroverted so they can have more success with women. I ask these questions in a lot of my seminars that I do around the...
Double Your Results In 1/5 of the Time
This article comes with a quick nod to a man named Vilfredo Pareto, no Vilfredo wasn’t a pimp, as hard as it is to believe with an awesome name like that. He was in fact an Italian economist in the beginning of the 20th century who realised that Italians were a lot...
Forget Your Game and Get More Women
There’s a particularly grueling moment that most of us have experienced at least once before in our lives. That’s the moment we find a guy who’s really good with women and has been great with them his whole life, the kind of guy we typically refer to as a ‘Natural’....
School of Attraction VS Mystery Method
WHAT IS MYSTERY METHOD? Mystery Method is a form of seducing women which was popularized in a hugely successful book called ‘The Game’ written about the author’s (Neil Strauss) time spent under the tutelage of it’s founder, a magician by the name of Erik von Markovik....
Why Pay for Professional Attraction Coaching?
I recently had a prospective client send me an email regarding our courses. His questions were completely valid, and I wanted to share with you both his questions and my response. Dear Damien, I’ve been interested in doing your course for a while, and was in fact...
Eliminate Flaking Once and For All
Flaking is easily one of the most frustrating and annoying parts of getting good with women. Any guy that's arranged a date with a girl and then had her cancel at the last minute or even worse - just not turn up, knows exactly what I'm talking about. It's enough to...
Who We Are
School of Attraction is a dating education company with one motto: "Leave No Single Man Behind". We provide free and paid courses for men to achieve success with women.
Started by Damien Diecke in 2008, SOA has gone on to become Australia's largest dating coaching company, now setting it's sights worldwide.
The Best Dating Course In The World
A dating course that will change your life.