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How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

Getting broken up with is rough - it's like a stab to the chest with a rusty knife. For many, it can also be a wake up call that things weren't going as well as you thought. But now that you know, you want to repair the damage and get your ex back. Most people go...

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How To Get Over Your Ex – In 5 Simple Steps

How To Get Over Your Ex – In 5 Simple Steps

Did you know that your brain looks the same when you fall in love did it does when you smoked crack cocaine? little surprise then, that getting over an ex is emotionally and often physically painful when your brain is literally going through withdrawals. There are 5...

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How To Text A Girl – (3 Examples You Can Copy)

How To Text A Girl – (3 Examples You Can Copy)

Today I'm going to show you 3 super easy first texts you can send a girl that all but guarantee she'll reply. Now I bet you didn't know that I have a superpower. I can tell you what you last wrote as a first text to a girl. Are you ready for it? "Hey, it's Damien from...

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5 Easiest Ways To Meet Single Women In 2018

5 Easiest Ways To Meet Single Women In 2018

Are you Feeling lonely, but too shy to walk up to a girl in a bar on your own? Or perhaps you are fed up with the superficial world of Tinder where nobody seems to want to reply or match with you unless you are a Ryan Gosling doppleganger? Fortunately there are some...

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3 Reasons Women Don’t Approach Men

3 Reasons Women Don’t Approach Men

If you're a guy and you've ever been a single adult for any period of time, then you've doubtless mused over the unfairness that men have to make the first move all the time. Why is it that women are never expected to take the lead and talk to a guy they like? Why are...

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Why Do Girls Like Bad Boys?

Why Do Girls Like Bad Boys?

We've all heard the term, "nice guys finish last", and when it comes to women, and life in general it's pretty true. But that sentence is also misleading. Firstly, nice guys aren't really 'nice' guys. They're more like 'passively aggressively manipulating to try and...

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Case Study: How I Mastered Flirting In 14 Days

Case Study: How I Mastered Flirting In 14 Days

How do you flirt with a girl you really like? It’s not as easy as it sounds, is it? You get nervous. Your mind starts racing. Is your body posture okay? Oh god did you remember to wear deodorant?? You look around at those other guys who seem to have no problem...

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Why Women Like Older Men

Why Women Like Older Men

Are you an older guy interested in dating younger women? Do you feel insecure about your age, sure that no younger women will be interested in you? Today, I'm going to tell you why older men have a HUGE advantage over younger guys, and how exactly you need to go about...

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