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Sincere Seduction Intensive By School of Attraction

The Most Comprehensive Dating Course In The World

13 weeks to fix your dating once and for all

Next Start Date: 1st Nov








Sincere Seduction Intensive

13 Week Course In Sydney, Australia

Enter your details and we will get in touch within 48 hours to line up a time to chat


Sincere Seduction Intensive

13 Week Course In Sydney, Australia

Enter your details and we will get in touch within 48 hours to line up a time to chat


What You’ll Get

Your Insurance Policy For A Funner Future

Get the experience so you understand what you like/don’t like in a partner before it’s too late. Also learn how to create fun experiences wherever you go.

13 Weeks To Fix Issues No One Tells You About

It’s sad that no one will tell you all the ways you annoy, irritate or exhaust people. We will, in the best way possible.

Social Skills You Should Know But Didn’t Get

Knowing how to flirt with women is a learnt trait and our society is letting men down. We’ll help you fix that.

Peek Inside

the course

Five Young Guys Complete Sincere Seduction Intensive


(Note that these guys are younger than the average student we get in the course. Older guys are less interested in being documented for privacy reasons) 





The Most Fun You’ll Have All Year

It’s fine to have a bit a fun for a week but we’re interested in creating habits that will keep you improving long after the course is over. The course is a roller coaster of nerves, excitement and new experiences. 

Psychologist Approved

This program is designed for skyrocketing your self confidence as well as creating long term habits. It will have a huge impact in other areas of your life as well. We strive to be direct with women, communicate our needs, establish integrity even in casual relationships and allow women to be a conduit for our own self development. Because we know it’s the only way to create true self confidence.

It’s Sure-Fire Paint By Numbers

We started the business in 2009 and in over 10 years, we’ve really perfected this course to work for almost anyone – regardless of race, income or attractiveness level. We started a revolution back in 2009 by teaching men to pick up by bringing out their inner confidence, without lying, manipulating or disrespecting women. We’ve increased self confidence and allowed guys to have better success with the ladies. 

Hold Your Hand Every Step Of The Way

Don’t worry – we won’t be getting you to do anything unless you’re ready. We support and motivate you every step of the way. We have a large active community of guys helping one another and supporting each other every step of the way. If you go to a popular night club in Sydney, you’ll spend half the night shaking hands with members of the community. 

We’ll Show You The Ins & Outs

Here’s how the course works over 12 weeks


Week #1:Guiding Principles, Making The Perfect Approach & Conversation Mastery Pt.1


The first week, everyone’s a little anxious and understandably so. You’re not sure if you’ve made the right decision, you have no idea how anything will go and how much you will humiliate yourself. By now, you will have your schedule, you’ve been sent all the access info for the tutorials/forum and you’ve completed some forms so we can understand how best to serve you. Brace yourself for the first strategy session where you get introduced to other students doing the course with you. The senior coach will get you pumped for your first in-field practical session with a coach where you’ll be approaching and talking to girls in busy bars or tourist areas. Don’t worry – we’ll be there to support you and give you advice every step of the way.


Week #2: Making Great Conversation and Teasing/Humour


After the first week, the nerves are slowly going away. You’ve gotten the biggest hurdle out of the way – just doing it. And you realise that it’s not such a big deal. Now it’s time to practice, but don’t worry we’re not leaving you alone. Mid-week you’ll have a strategy session with us to debrief on what happened last week, specific advice on how to improve and also to work on your self improvement. That weekend however, you’ll be heading out with a mentor. A mentor is a student who was in the same spot as you are just weeks ago, they’ve shattered some limiting beliefs, gotten some good results and they’re here to give you a leg up. Your mentor will introduce you to other students in the community.


Week #3:Setting Powerful Goals, Being A Great Wingman & Building Unstoppable Confidence

Exactly like Week 1, you have a strategy session mid-week, watch the relevant video tutorials and meet your coach for an in-field session. By now, you’re no longer feeling nervous, you understand how everything works and you’ve gotten comfortable with your surroundings.


Week #4:Building Deep Rapport & Plotting Your Journey For Success


Exactly like Week 2, you again have a strategy session mid-week, watch the relevant video tutorials and meet your mentor for an in-field session. By now, your mentor will have introduced you to some more guys in the community so you can make friends!


Week #5:Mastering Phone & Text Conversations, Creating the Perfect First Date & Failure Dynamics


Alternating back to the same thing – strategy session, video tutorials mid week and in-field coaching on weekend. At this time, you’ve found your feet, you no longer struggle with the samke issues as you did in week 1 and your confidence is popping.


Week #6:Body Language, Women On The Move &  Showing Off Your Strengths


Back to mentoring so strategy session, video tutorials mid week and mentor session on the weekend. By now your problems have become higher quality. You have dates lined up, you’re working on perfecting each area of your dating and you’re feeling like hot stuff. 

Week #7:Sexuality, How To Be Amazing In Bed & Casual Sex Relationships

Strategy Session, videos, in-field coaching. By week 7 you’re getting better results than ever before. You’re walking and talking more confidently and people are starting to notice.

Week #8:Choosing The Perfect Partner, Keeping Relationships Awesome & Happiness


Strategy Session, videos, mentor session. Your last session with your mentor. By now you’re great friends and you’ll probably meet up again in socially. Tonight your mentor will share with you all the ways he’s seen you improve and you’ll say goodnight pretty chuffed.

Weeks 9: The Last Coaching Session


You won’t realise it but your last session with your coach is going to give you a lump in your throat. Up until now we’ve created a structure for your growth and you’ve had some amazing experiences. Now it’s time to go out on your own – but don’t worry, we still have one last strategy and coaching session this week and of course we’re still here to give you advice and support anytime.

Weeks 10-12: Mentoring & Leadership


Once you’re ready, you will become a mentor. You know what the single best way to learn anything is? That’s to teach someone else. And that’s what this is designed to do – to give you a way to go out on your own but not leave you to fend for yourself. Being a mentor will give you perspective on how much you’ve grown in the past 9 weeks, how much you can help other guys get there and to keep you being a part of the community. You will find your success rate improve dramatically when you have a few inexperienced eyes looking to you for guidance.

It’s A Long-Term Relationship

Serious amount of value 

52 Hours In-Field Coaching

Coaching & Mentor Sessions

27 Hours Video Training Material

A-Z Tutorials Included

9 Strategy Sessions With Coach

Online discussion sessions

Active Community

Most active community in Aus

Unlimited Support

Email & SMS Support After Hours

Students Forum

Read everyone else’s diary

98% of our students

recommend buying from us

“All I could think as I was doing the course was, “Man, I wish I had done this sooner, I would have saved myself so much money and heartache.”

Connor, 48, Software Developer

” Everything was surprisingly easy… These guys have fun, they talk to women and they’ve become exceptionally good at it. It was SO much easier learning with them.”

Stuart, 35, Marketing Manager

One of the biggest things I gained was comfort in my own skin… As the weeks went on, I was starting to get some major improvement through the constant momentum. My goals were getting much more challenging and complex. My communication skills with women were improving and I was quickly getting better results with the women I talked to.”

John, 24, Student

Having experienced the best and most famous dating coaches in United States and London, Damien and his coaches are of the highest standard worldwide. His skills are fantastic and his attention to the student is unsurpassed. We are incredibly lucky to have him still living / teaching in Sydney.

Shayne, 19, Construction Worker

Paying the money was the best decision I ever made I have made friends with men who were motivated and pushed each other to succeed, who supported each other and helped each other to achieve a common goal; being involved with this kind of social group not only taught me a lot but also helped me raise the bar. Damien and his team’s knowledge and experience in the field taught me things that would have taken me a long time to figure out if I were to have done it on my own”

Jack, 25, Lawyer

Meet Damien.

Australia’s No. 1 Dating Coach & Creator of Sincere Seduction Intensive

“I went from struggling with generalised anxiety disorder to dating multiple women at the same time. I want to share the scientific strategies that helped me get over my anxiety, gain self confidence and get dates. I’ve helped thousands of men over 10 years regardless of their skill level. I’m confident this course can help you too.”

Pricing Structure

Here’s how the course works over 12 weeks

Course amount breakdown ^


What’s included: No. of Hrs $ Per Hour RRP Discount
In-field coaching with dating coach 20 150 4000 3000
Intensive video training 27 25.7 999 695
Strategy sessions with senior coach 9 200 2700 1800
In-field coaching with mentor 16 _ 800 Included
In-field coaching as mentee 16 _ 800 Included
Large active community Unlimited _ 200 Included
Phone & Email support Unlimited _ 500 Included
Student forum Unlimited _ 99 Included
TOTAL >88 hrs <$62.4 p/h 10 098 5495 (limited time only)


Money Back Guarantee

If you’ve tried everything in the course and you’re still getting no luck, we’ll give you a full refund with sincere apologies. Simple as that!

Incredibly Easy To Get Started

Whay happens after you apply? 

Step 1


Fill in the application form and we will be in touch to schedule a call. This approval process is just so we can be sure this course is right for you. 

Step 2


Once we approve you on the phone call, we will give you details on how to register. Note that we do not do pushy sales. We don’t want anyone that isn’t 100% ready

Step 3


After registrations, we will get in touch with you to figure out schedules. Schedules are made around the schedules of all students in the intake. 

Step 4


At this stage, we send you a questionnaire so that we can learn about you and tailor the course for your specific needs. We make sure everything is ready.

Step 4


Once we’re ready, we will schedule the first strategy session online where you’ll meet the coaches and the other student(s) doing the course with you for the next 12 weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get drunk during the sessions?

We don’t allow drinking in any of our practical sessions. We don’t want anyone using alcohol as a crutch to give them fake confidence. We’ve had clients who have made up the course investment price by simply avoiding alcohol for the 3 month period.

How can you deliver all this for the same price as a weekend bootcamp or 10 day course?

Damien was determined to create a program that focussed on results for YOU before profits. He designed this 3 month program specifically so that it could match the price point of a high end weekend bootcamp, but deliver so much more value that there would be absolutely no competition.

What if I’m the one person that doesn’t get results?

Sadly, this is a fear that a lot of men have. We will personally screen you prior to commencing a program with us. There certainly can be circumstances under which we may be unable to help such as if you are suffering from a psychiatric disorder. But if you are simply a socially awkward guy, who has little to no experience with women or who suffers from a chronic case of social anxiety then, we can definitely help you. If we accept you into the program and you don’t get great results, then we will offer you 100% money back. This guarantee is written into your contract so that we are legally obliged to fulfil the warranty.

What if I can’t make certain dates?

Don’t worry, we can change dates to suit you. If you’re off on a holiday we can put the course on hold for you. If you’re sick, we’ll change dates around for you – we got you covered!

I feel like I know so much theory already. Do I really need to learn more?

Absolutely. The process we provide has taken years to perfect and we know that it’s unlike anything you’ve ever read before in the industry. Guys who need to be pushed into the theory sessions because they ‘know it all’ always come out grateful that they attended. Trust us, there’s plenty for you to learn yet – keep an open mind!

Do you provide private coaching sessions?

We do offer private coaching for those guys that prefer their privacy. However, it does cost considerably more and in our experience, doing the course with other guys builds a camaraderie that helps you build momentum and keep pushing yourself at an accelerated rate. The community we have is the most supportive environment you will find and this is incredibly valuable to your success. We’ll do it but we don’t recommend it.

Where am I doing these in-field coaching/mentor sessions?

All of your sessions will take part in and around the CBD. We have a variety of day and night venues we frequent, but where we go from week to week will vary based on weather and seasonal fluctuation.

Apply For The Course Now

 Sincere Seduction Intensive

Sydney, Australia

Next Start Date: 1st Nov








Rated 4.7 out of 5
28 customer reviews
5 star86%
4 star7%
3 star4%
2 star0%
1 star3%

Finally Found Dating Coaching To Be Proud Of

Rated 4.0 out of 5

first got involved in learning pickup when I got myself a copy of ‘The Game’. In the beginning I Was trying out all the methods in the book, and others I could find online, but it kept coming across as a bit sleazy and meh…

So I never got fully involved in any kind of pickup because it never fully appealed to my personality. (I’m a bit introverted and definitely not a performer).

I then had a friend mention a course he had done with School of Attraction, and he insisted it was nothing like what I had read those years before… He was absolutely right! I went along to a free seminar he was running, and signed up for his 13 week course on the spot.

The program wasn’t about trying to get me to change who I am, it was about developing myself as a man and building my confidence.

It’s intense and long, but by the end I had come such a long way! I wasn’t perfect yet… You really can’t be perfect at anything in 12 weeks, but I was full of confidence in myself, and my ability to keep getting better and better… I’ve finished the program 3 months now, and I’m still consistently improving thanks to School of Attractions massive online community which means there are guys for me to head out with and practice with most days of the week.

Basically, when Damien suggested I could post up a review if I Was still happy with them 3 months on, I jumped at the chance to help spread the good word. These guys are fantastic, they really know what they are doing and will change your life forever.

Tip for consumers: Be aware, this is a pretty hardcore program that requires dedication and time to invest. You WILL get results, but don’t think you can cruise through it and still see massive changes.

Joseph A

Awesome experience, but a lot of work

Rated 4.0 out of 5

I did Damien’s 12 week Sincere Seduction Intensive course about a year ago now. And as I promised Damien when I first signed up, if I still felt great about the program a year later, I would write him a review.

The program itself is longer than any I had seen before. It’s also quite a large number of hours, totalling about 7-8 hours of time commitment a week. This was tough for me at times, but I could totally see why it was set up this way. After 12 weeks, I wouldn’t say all my woman problems were solved, but I was still a totally changed man in my behaviour towards women. I started out nervous and shy, and came out the other end determined and focussed, I had earned what Damien called ‘killer instinct’.

So to anyone thinking about doing this program with School of Attraction I say this: You really won’t find a more comprehensive program anywhere. The coaches really know what they are doing and support you above and beyond what you would expect. They don’t promise to solve all your problems in 12 weeks, and I think that’s fair because nobody can, this stuff takes time after all. BUT they do promise to change your life, and give you ongoing support long after the program is finished. If you want long lasting change, this is the place to go.

I’m still a part of the community of ex-students who continue to go out and improve themselves. 12 months ago, I had 2 ex girlfriends, and almost no other experience with women.. Now I’m on about 3 dates a week, and some of them are going all the way.

Comprehensive, Insightful, Life changing

Time Consuming

Mitch M

Only a good course for some. A little overpriced as well but Damien is extremely nice and helpful.

Rated 3.0 out of 5

Hi guys, my name is Ben and I am a former student of School of Attraction. I now have a long term girlfriend who I live with, but I achieved this mostly by BEING MYSELF- not from what they teach you on the course.

I wouldn’t recommend this course if you have really bad social anxiety, Autism or no experience with women at all (I’m all three of these). Most students who I was on this course with were quite outgoing people who had already had experiences with girls- rather they just wanted to get ‘even better’ than where they were already and achieve consistent success without feeling like they were ‘fluking it’. Even though I have a girlfriend now who I am really confident with, I am still horrendously anxious walking back into a club or bar and find it hard to have any confidence with other girls. I came to accept that it’s probably just not my thing.

If you have depression, social anxiety or Autism, then my advice is to avoid this course and most of the things they teach you (Except for ‘Question, Relate, Answer’ and the importance of your Tinder profile pictures). For the most part- BE YOURSELF. BE YOURSELF. BE YOURSELF. Use Tinder and DON’T BE AFRAID to tell girls that you’ve never been on a date before. I always thought girls would judge me as some unwanted loser for saying that, but they are very understanding! That’s what I did, and I am now living with and in a long-term relationship with the most beautiful girl in the world (I’m a little biased that’s for sure). The only thing is I do get a bit jealous of her because she has dated so many guys before me and had slept with lots of guys, even with more guys, whilst I didn’t lose my virginity until I met her.

I discovered that it’s about finding what makes you happy in life, and I have found that in a long-term partner. So if spending $5000 on course fees, travelling all the way to the city and putting so much time, frustration, sadness, loneliness, suicidal ideation and mental energy into getting 2 unanswered phone numbers in the space of 3 months while other students around me breezed through it and took girls home for pleasure, then it’s probably not worth the investment. Even if you did get lucky, is that kind of input REALLY worth a few minutes of fun in bed? If its not working for you like it didn’t work for me, then find something else in life that makes you happy! Seek long term, its far more satisfying! I would encourage anyone who has never had a girlfriend or been on a date before to do what I did on Tinder as written above (However, I place no guarantee that that will always work. All girls are different. Fortunately, my girlfriend is very understanding).

Note- if you have a mental condition and decide to undertake the course even after what I have written- then you MUST declare it to Damien when you sign up. Otherwise, they will not refund you the $5000 if the course doesn’t work for you.

Ben S

The best community ever

Rated 5.0 out of 5

I finished the 13 week Sincere Seduction course a few month ago, and I just wanted to write my thoughts looking back.

When I first signed up, I signed up for the theory content and the in person coaching over 3 months – All of that was really good and professional, but the biggest reason I think this course has proven to be one of the best investments for me was their community.

Being relatively new to Sydney (I moved here about 3 years ago) – I don’t have that many friends.

Damien has built a really amazing community of other students who are out practising regularly. The guys are really friendly and supportive and there are always mentors around too who have been able to help keep me motivated and practising and getting results long after the course was over.

So if you’re like me and want to find guys to become friends and go out with as well as get really great in person coaching, I definitely recommend School of Attraction.

Vin S