Surprisingly simple strategies I used to transform myself from a guy women just looked through, to a guy women couldn’t get enough of.
Includes word-for-word templates, hilarious case studies and practical worksheets for you to try.

5 Hidden Truths About Women That Will Blow Your Mind Pt4
Ben ended up signing up for our 3 month Sincere Seduction Intensive course, by the end of week 3 I was very happy with his progress so far. He was slowly getting better at making women laugh, and building some basic rapport. He had already been on a number of dates,...

5 Hidden Truths About Women That Will Blow Your Mind Pt5
By week 9 of Sincere Seduction Intensive, Ben was almost a different man. He swaggered a bit when he walked, he smiled a lot more when he'd talk to me... He used to have a perpetual frown when we first met. He was happier and more comfortable in his own skin. He was...

3 Reasons Women Don’t Approach Men
If you're a guy and you've ever been a single adult for any period of time, then you've doubtless mused over the unfairness that men have to make the first move all the time. Why is it that women are never expected to take the lead and talk to a guy they like? Why are...

How To Escape The Friendzone – In 4 Simple Steps
So there's this one girl you really like, but to her, you're just a really sweet guy who she just wants to be friends with. All guys know the feeling - Getting stuck in the friendzone sucks big time! Today, I'm going to give 4 proven strategies for escaping and...

How To Tell a Girl You Like Her – Why Not Telling Her Means You’ll Never Be Successful In Life
We've all been there before, there's this one girl you see around and you really want to tell her your like her, but you don't want to look like a fool - It's even worse if you have friends in common, and it feels like everyone will laugh at you if you get rejected....

How To Tell If A Girl Likes You – 5 Signs Nobody Knows
I think every man I know has been there before - You meet a girl at a party, in a bar, she's a friend of a friend, and you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of your mates.. But she's just so cute, you don't want to just be friends with her, you want do take...
Who We Are
School of Attraction is a dating education company with one motto: "Leave No Single Man Behind". We provide free and paid courses for men to achieve success with women.
Started by Damien Diecke in 2008, SOA has gone on to become Australia's largest dating coaching company, now setting it's sights worldwide.
The Best Dating Course In The World
A dating course that will change your life.