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Sincere Seduction Intensive

13 Week Course

I made some of the best friends of my life

Rated 5.0 out of 5

Okay, so full disclosure up front, as a past student, Damien Diecke, the head coach asked me if I wanted to write a review for him and I was happy to help. Damien asks us not to write reviews until a few months after we’ve finished the course so that we can give a more rounded account of our lives afterwards which is something I really respect him for.

I finished the Sincere Seduction program 3 months ago and all I can say is that my life looks so very different to how it did this time last year.

This time last year I was a few months out of a soul-destroying marriage, all my friends were either married or too busy with work to hang out and try to meet women. I was feeling super-introverted and quite lonely. I felt like being Chinese-Australian didn’t help me make friends or meet women either.

How is my life looking today? Well.. I have a girl I’m seeing casually at the moment, and I have a really great group of friends in the School of Attraction community I head out with every week to laugh and talk to girls. I have new dates every week, and some of them lead to the bedroom so I’m feeling pretty fulfilled there.

For me, the most important part of the program was Learning to overcome some of the bias against Asian men in Australia, and learning to believe in myself and the fact that I deserve to have incredible women in my life. I no longer lock up and stutter around gorgeous women – I still get to be myself and be a big nerd sometimes, but I’m not doing it in a way that’s charming rather than pathetic.

For any guys wondering about doing the program, I say DO IT! It will be the best investment you ever make in yourself.

Elson C

Sincere Seduction Intensive

13 Week Course

I made some of the best friends of my life

Rated 5.0 out of 5

Okay, so full disclosure up front, as a past student, Damien Diecke, the head coach asked me if I wanted to write a review for him and I was happy to help. Damien asks us not to write reviews until a few months after we’ve finished the course so that we can give a more rounded account of our lives afterwards which is something I really respect him for.

I finished the Sincere Seduction program 3 months ago and all I can say is that my life looks so very different to how it did this time last year.

This time last year I was a few months out of a soul-destroying marriage, all my friends were either married or too busy with work to hang out and try to meet women. I was feeling super-introverted and quite lonely. I felt like being Chinese-Australian didn’t help me make friends or meet women either.

How is my life looking today? Well.. I have a girl I’m seeing casually at the moment, and I have a really great group of friends in the School of Attraction community I head out with every week to laugh and talk to girls. I have new dates every week, and some of them lead to the bedroom so I’m feeling pretty fulfilled there.

For me, the most important part of the program was Learning to overcome some of the bias against Asian men in Australia, and learning to believe in myself and the fact that I deserve to have incredible women in my life. I no longer lock up and stutter around gorgeous women – I still get to be myself and be a big nerd sometimes, but I’m not doing it in a way that’s charming rather than pathetic.

For any guys wondering about doing the program, I say DO IT! It will be the best investment you ever make in yourself.

Elson C