Dating Coaches in Sydney For Men
Learn To Meet Women Anywhere, Anytime
Our Motto Is ‘No Single Man Left Behind’

We believe all men deserve to feel desirable and loved.
Our products/services deliver opportunities for men to increase their self worth, date the type of women they really want and avoid settling for second best.
We want all men to have experienced the adventure of putting themselves out there at least once in their life – to feel like men, to say they’ve been there done that – and to do it before they get into long-term relationships and miss out on the opportunity.
Sydney Wingman Community
Join Our Free Sydney Community
You Choose How You Like To Meet Women,
And we’ll tailor a program best suited to you
Anywhere, Anytime
When It's Dark Outside
Swipe Right & Chat
Our Coaches & Community Will Support You,
Every Step Of The Way

We Focus On Long-Term Courses For Real Change

We Focus On Self Confidence & Self Improvement

We Focus On Being Honest, Creating Boundaries & Being Upfront

We Bring Out Your Best Self

We Believe Women Are A Mirror To Ourselves

We Give You Space To Deal With Your Anxiety, Shame & Limiting Beliefs

NOT Weekend Bootcamps & 10-Day Courses

NOT Pick Up Artist Bulls**t

NOT Lying, Manipulating And Negging Women

NOT Telling You To Pretend To Be Someone Else

NOT The Enemy

NOT Push You And Create Trauma Before You’re Ready
We Use Dating As The Vehicle,
To Improve Every Aspect Of Your Life
We’re Australia’s Largest Dating Coaching Company
We started in 2008 with a ground-breaking idea – to use scientific
Because we didn’t want to lie to and manipulate women
Because we wanted to create more self confidence in ourselves
Because we hated the idea of looking and feeling sleazy and/or creepy
In a time where pick up artists were at their peak, School of Attraction’s founder Damien started by teaching men for free and quickly found his courses not only helped guys get better with women, but also helped them feel great about themselves.
School of Attraction was born…
And we have gone on to become Australia’s largest dating education company.
We were the pioneers of positive change in the dating and pickup industry towards

Girls Wouldn’t Look At Me,
Until I Gained Confidence

Meet Our Highly Qualified Coaches
That have been through similar and unique struggles

All of our coaches were once students who pushed through their own issues to become great with women.
They know exactly what our students feel every step of the way because they were in the exact same spot not that long ago.
They spend thousands of hours practicing and are trained at the highest level to be considered a coach.
Our Community Of Students Love Us,
And We Love Them More…
Watch the 20 minute documentary
Choose Your Dating Coaching Program

Our Flagship 12 Week Course
– Find out how to talk to women anywhere you go
– Learn how to become fearless and self confident
– Practice strategies to be more interesting, funny and likeable
– Get personalised help every step of the way
Includes coaching sessions, mentor sessions, strategy sessions, theory lessons, forum and community events