1300 443 429

The Dangerous Man One Night Experience

We help men reconnect with their core masculine essence to build unshakable confidence, purpose, and emotional resilience. Break free from the ‘nice guy’ trap, stop being pushed around, and step into your power to lead a life of strength, integrity, and authentic connection.

Next Sydney Experience - Sunday 23rd Feb 4pm - 7pm








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    We Men Have A Problem…

    We were told as kids to hold our emotions in – We had to suck it up when times got tough – Many of us didn’t have access to many quality male role models.

    On top of this, masculinity can feel like it’s under attack, with extremely mixed messages about how we as men are supposed to behave in the world, socially, romantically, and professionally.

    Most of us feel like we’ve been pushed into a corner, being too nice, too sweet, too sanitized, and it leaves us feeling like poor imitations of the men we dream of being.

    We’ve Lost Connection To Our Masculine Cores When We:

    • Feel pushed around by friends, lovers, or co-workers
    • Struggle to express emotions, wants and needs until we’re about to break
    • Don’t dare to let go and fully ravish a partner sexually with abandon
    • Feel lost in a passionless job that gives us no sense of greater purpose
    • Feel like our presence is an imposition on others
    • Feel a deep sense of shame for our desires
    • Spend more time pleasing others than ourselves

    The 9 Pillars Of A Healthy Masculine Core – Discussed At This Event

    Masculine Presence

    Only by learning to be completely present with yourself in the here and now can you truly listen and feel your body and emotions

    Masculine Vulnerability

    There is great power in vulnerability – recognising and expressing a full range of emotions is critical for the masculine to be fully realised

    Masculine Boundary Setting

    Our true sense of selves as men is defined by the boundaries we set for ourselves – A strong masculine boundary is the cornerstone of self-respect

    Relationship To The Feminine

    What relationship dynamics do we create with the feminine around us?  Are they healthy? Or are they self-sabotaging? Our romantic relationships are shaped by the dynamics we experienced growing up

    Relationship To The Masculine

    What relationship dynamics do we create with the masculine around us? Distant and aloof? Needy? Misunderstood? Pushover? Our friendship styles are shaped by the dynamics we experienced growing up

    Your Relationship To Rage

    Our rage is the gateway to our darker natures – we shouldn’t hide from our darkness – instead men need to embrace and regulate our rage in emotionally healthy ways – Without it we are left feeling impotent and weak

    Acknowledging Your Darkest Shadows

    Our shadows are those parts of ourselves we don’t accept or acknowledge. But they still subconsciously control us. If you have any repetitive behaviours you can’t seem to shake, your shadow is controlling you.

    Letting Go Of Shame

    The modern masculine is fed a diet of shame from a very young age – This is not ours to hold onto and it is a poor attempt at controlling our masculine natures in a way that’s detrimental to our emotional health as men

    Facing Your Life’s Purpose

    Every man has a gift he wants to share with the world – this is his deepest purpose – without purpose we are just treading water, waiting in vain for life to get better.  A man with purpose is at his most masculine

    What Is It Like? – Testimonials From Clients



    All Applicants Must First Be Reviewed By Damien

    WHERE: Cammeray Scout Hall

    HOURS: 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm


    Next Experience - Sunday 23rd Feb 4pm - 7pm








    Book My Spot Now