We’ve all been there before, there’s this one girl you see around and you really want to tell her your like her, but you don’t want to look like a fool – It’s even worse if you have friends in common, and it feels like everyone will laugh at you if you get rejected.
If you are in this situation right now, then you don’t realise it yet, but this moment right now is one of the most important moments of your life so far. Why? Because the success you have in every part of your life is going to hinge on how you handle decisions like this one right here! That’s right, your entire career, your financial success, the quality of every relationship in your life, all depend on how you decide to face moments where making your desires known to the world could result in rejection and potential ridicule.
I’m incredibly fortunate to know a lot of really successful men and women. They all have very different personalities, but they have one trait in common.. Not a single one of them is scared of asking for what they want, even if they may get laughed at for asking. Why? because the more you tell the world what you want, the more often the world will give you what you want. Sure, you’ll also FAIL a lot more often, but a willingness to fail is what separates the HAVES from the HAVE NOTS.
So going back to this girl you have a crush on… You need to stop focusing on whether she’s likely to say she likes you back or not, and you need to stop focusing on if some people may laugh at your rejection. Instead, you MUST get focused on whether you want to be the kind of man who is scared of asking for what he wants, or the kind of man who refuses to be ashamed of his own desires. While you’re making that decision, guess which kind of man women find the most sexy?
Now I have to be honest, If you want to be the man who is afraid of telling the world about his own desires, then I can’t help you and you should stop watching his video and invest in a lifetime membership to Pornhub.
So those of you still watching now have decided to tell her, so I’m going to give you these 3 important pointers.
1) If she’s over 21, you have to tell her in person
Why? because women under 21 are often still quite shy and insecure and aren’t entirely sure yet how to respond to situations like this. Telling her by SMS or Facebook gives her a chance to think about how to respond. However, women over 21 want their men to be confident enough to voice their desires in person rather than hiding behind a cell phone.
2) Tell her in private
Don’t tell her about your feelings for her in front of other people. This can create a lot of social pressure for her, and make her feel really uncomfortable. Find a private moment with just you and her, this way if she does reject you, most women will take the time to talk to you for a while and make the rejection feel less painful.
3) Don’t make a huge romantic effort to tell her
Don’t go buying a bunch of flowers, or take her out to an expensive restaurant. While it might sound like a lovely romantic gesture, consider it from her standpoint – By making a huge gesture, you are creating all this emotional pressure for her to say yes. This can actually make some women agree to go out with you when they don’t really want to – While it’s nice not to get the instant rejection, this will ultimately always end badly for you as her sense of ‘buyer’s remorse’ sets in.
Right, so with that out of the way, what the bejeus do you actually say to her?
Well let’s Keep it simple stupid!
Tell her what you like about her, and you’d like to take her out sometime – Don’t be ambiguous, don’t beat around the bush, make it clear and let her respond however she likes.
For example ..
Hey Alexis, you know, every time we’ve hung around each other I find myself laughing so much more than I do with anyone else and I’ve really enjoyed it. I’ve come to realise that I like you most than just a friend and I’d really like to take you out sometime. I’m hoping you feel the same way
It’s really that simple.
So what kind of man are you going to decide to become today?
Right now, I want to challenge you to step up to the plate and tell that girl you really like about your real feelings today! Don’t hesitate any longer – I promise you that no matter how she responds, you’ll feel better about yourself in 5 days than you do right now.
Did you follow through with the challenge? Let me know below, I always get super excited when men decide to push their boundaries and tell the world what they want.
Who We Are
School of Attraction is a dating education company with one motto: "Leave No Single Man Behind". We provide free and paid courses for men to achieve success with women.
Started by Damien Diecke in 2008, SOA has gone on to become Australia's largest dating coaching company, now setting it's sights worldwide.

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